The Lower Mississippi River Water Trail
August and a Spring Birding Weekend at the end of April. Tara’s philosophy is founded on a strong commitment to the management, development and sustainable use of a broad spectrum of natural resources. Tara recognizes the importance of wildlife, timber, water, wetlands, agriculture and recreation in maintaining a high quality of life for current as well as future generations. To this end, Tara has endowed the future by placing all 9,000 acres under conservation easements. As a further commitment to conservation, in December of 2001 Tara was deeded to a private foundation, Purvis Grange Foundation Inc. While promoting an appreciation of the environment through educational and direct-performance activities that conserve land and protect the wildlife that inhabit it,Tara is a model center for the study of habitat and the animals that are part of the ecosystem. Maggie Bryant, Tara’s Founder, is a past-two term Chairperson of the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and retired from her board position in 2001. Maggie has been awarded the prestigious Chevron Conservation Award as well as the Governor’s Award for Conservation in Mississippi. She is active in conservation measures around the world. (From the Tara Wildlife website)
Tara Wildlife
6791 Eagle Lake Road
Vicksburg MS 39183
Phone: 601-279-4261
Fax: 601-279-4227
RBD 457 Madison Parish Port and Public Boat Launch
Primitive launch point. Carry your vessel to the water’s edge over mud, sand, gravel, rip-rap and whatever else you might encounter there. No concrete, no improvement. Rough parking on muddy gravel above rip-rap. Don’t leave your vehicle overnight and plan to arrange a shuttle. In an emergency you could find water at the nearby Bunge Grain elevator offices. But otherwise keep on downstream for resupply in Vicksburg. Land access from US 65 at Talla Bena.
Bluz Cruz Kayak and Canoe Race
The roughshod Madison Parish Port Landing is the start place of the Bluz Cruz Kayak and Canoe Race which takes place annually in April, and runs the main channel of the Mississippi between here and the Yazoo River, 22 miles downstream below the towering bluffs of Vicksburg. All towboat and commercial traffic pull to the side for this event, so paddlers have the whole river to themselves, which is quite a feeling! Upon landing in downtown Vicksburg the race becomes a party with live music, food, drink and visiting with friends new and old. To sign up for the next Bluz Cruz or for more information, visit their website at
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